Competition Galleries 2022
These galleries showcase the highest rated photographs that were submitted to the 2022 NLPA.
2022 Galleries
Photograph of the Year
Photographer of the Year
Grand Scenic
Intimate Landscapes
Abstracts and Details
Special Awards
Frozen Worlds
Rivers, Lakes, and Waterfalls
Trees, Forest, and Woodland
Photograph of the Year (Tie)
Jim Lamont & Philipp Jakesch
Photographer of the Year, Winner
Brent Clark
Photographer of the Year, Runner Up
Antonio Fernandez
Photographer of the Year, Third Place
Alfredo Mora
Photographer of the Year, Fourth Place
Jason Pettit
Photographer of the Year, Fifth Place
Peter Coskun
Photographer of the Year, Sixth Place
Hans Gunnar Aslaksen
Grand Scenic
Intimate Landscapes
Abstracts and Details
Project Winner, Daniel Mîrlea
This project’s vision aims to get people closer to nature, raise awareness and help people not to see the forest as an economic resource. From this series that I selected, I think it’s essential to understand how well adapted the conifers trees are to winter conditions and harsh landscapes. Nature is not as fragile as many thinks, and it’s raw and well adapted. Even for some people, this kind of forest in the alpine terrain or on a rocky ridge it’s not economically significant, it has enormous importance regarding biodiversity and wellbeing of the ecosystem.
Project, Runner Up – Luís Afonso
Dreaming in Red
Project, Third Place – David Southern
Coastal Stone
Project, Fourth Place – Tim Wrate
What Lies Beneath
When photographing this project, I aimed to emphasise the ephemeral nature of the region. Taking to the air in light aircraft allowed me to abstract the landscape and utilising a top-down perspective allowed me to focus on the delicate details, textures, patterns and shapes of the inter-tidal zone.
Project, Fifth Place – Nathan Mattinson
The Elder Land
In this project, I hope to showcase the the significant natural landscape Tasmania has to offer. This is a landscape that is also under threat from logging, fossil fuel/mineral extraction and of course, climate change.
I hope to raise awareness by presenting its beauty to a wider audience.
Special Awards
Frozen Worlds
Rivers, Lakes, and Waterfalls
Trees, Forest, and Woodland